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Guideline and Circulars

Section 8(1) of the DPS Ordinance states that the Board may issue, for the guidance of banks or depositors, guidelines indicating the manner in which it proposes to perform its functions under the Ordinance.

Guideline on Information Required for Determining and Paying Compensation (the "Information System Guideline") with explanatory note

The Information System Guideline aims to provide guidance to Scheme members on the information that the Board will require a Scheme member to submit and the manner in which such information should be submitted to facilitate the Board to determine and pay compensation to depositors in a payout. A set of questions and answers is also provided on areas frequently asked by Scheme members.

Circulars on the Information System Guideline:
- 2020
- 2016

Questions and Answers on the Information System Guideline

In order to ensure compliance of Scheme members with the standards as set out in the Information System Guideline, the Board launched a Compliance Review Program on Scheme members.

- Information Note on Reviewing Compliance with Information System Guideline
- Program Guide on Independent Assessment Program

Guideline on Application for Exemption as a Member of Deposit Protection Scheme
Under section 13 of the DPS Ordinance, an overseas incorporated bank may apply to the Board for exemption from participation in the DPS if the deposits taken by the bank's Hong Kong offices are protected by a scheme with comparable level and scope of protection in its country of incorporation. The Guideline on Application for Exemption as a Member of DPS sets out the procedures and information required for applying an exemption.

Guidance on Representation Rules
The Deposit Protection Scheme (Representation on Scheme Membership and Protection of Financial Products under Scheme) Rules (the "Representation Rules") govern the representations that should be made by Scheme members regarding their membership and the protection status of their financial products under the Scheme. The Board has issued guidance to Scheme members in the form of questions and answers on several aspects of the Representation Rules.

Circular on Representation Rules:
- 2024
- 2021
- 2018
- 2014

Guidance Note on Compliance with the Representation Rules

In addition, the Board issued a guideline on the Membership Sign providing details on specifications of the application of the Membership Sign to printing and website design.

DPS Membership Sign Guideline

Guidance on Payment of Contribution
Scheme members are required to pay contributions in accordance with the manner specified in the Deposit Protection Scheme (Payment of Contributions, Late Payment Fees and Rebates) Rules. The Board has issued a guidance note to elaborate the payment procedures.

Circular on Payment of Contributions

Guidance on Enhanced Deposit Protection in the event of a merger or acquisition involving Scheme members
Starting from 1 January 2025, affected depositors of Scheme members involved in a merger or acquisition will be eligible for enhanced deposit protection for a limited period of time pursuant to sections 27A-27B of the DPS Ordinance. In addition, section 27C of the DPS Ordinance requires Scheme members concerned to notify affected depositors and the Board about the relevant arrangements on or before the effective date of merger or acquisition. A set of questions and answers, with a number of examples, is provided to facilitate Scheme members’ understanding of this enhanced deposit protection and relevant new requirements.

Questions and Answers on Enhanced Deposit Protection in the event of a merger or acquisition involving Scheme members

Return of Relevant Deposits
All Scheme members are required to report to the Board the amount of relevant deposits maintained with them annually. The Return of Relevant Deposits is designed for this purpose. Based on the information contained in the returns and supervisory ratings assigned by the Monetary Authority to Scheme members, the Board will assess the amount of contributions payable by Scheme members. Guidance is provided in the following circular, instructions and return template:
Return of Relevant Deposits and Completion Instructions
Circulars on Return of Relevant Deposits:
- 2024
- 2016
- 2015
The Returns of Relevant Deposits submitted by Scheme members will be subject to regular reviews to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein. The details of the review arrangement are set out in the following information note:
Reviewing Returns of Relevant Deposits

Subsidiary Legislation under the DPS Ordinance
The Deposit Protection Scheme (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 4) Notice 2006 ("Amendment Notice") serves to clarify that structured products are not protected by the Scheme and provides for miscellaneous amendments to improve the operations of Schedules 1 and 4 to the DPS Ordinance. The resolution of the Legislative Council giving effect to the Amendment Notice was passed on 13 July 2006.


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